Eskan Moubarak - Zinon

Description:  Design of MBBR treatment system Scope of work:  Design…


Gabal El Asfar (El Berka) sewage treatment plant

Description : El Berka sewage treatment plant with a capacity…


Qualyub, Toukh, Shebin El Kanater & Kafr Shokr sewage treatment plants

Description : 4 sewage treatment plants Qualyoub with a capacity…


19 WWTP's in different governorates

Description: 19 sewage treatment plants each with a capacity of…


Nemret El-Bassal WWTP – Gharbia Governorate (capacity of 8.000 m³/day)

Description: SBR Design, supply & supervision of construction Scope of…


Shotb WWTP, Assiut Governorate (capacity of 26.000 m³/day to 36.000 m³/day)

Description: Design of IFAS treatment system Scope of work: Design…


Meet Kanana WWTP (capacity upgrade from 2.000 m³/day to 10.000 m³/day)

Description: Design of IFAS treatment system End User:  The Construction…

Under construction

El Hawamdia WWTP (capacity upgrade from 20.000 m³/day to 40.000 m³/day)

Description: Design of IFAS treatment system End User: The Construction…

Under construction

Kafr Mowais WWTP, Qalyubia Governorate (capacity of 4.000 m³/day)

Description: Design of IFAS treatment system Scope of work: Design…

Under construction

El Sawalem WWTP, Damietta Governorate (capacity of 4.000 m³/day)

Description: Design of IFAS treatment system Scope of work: Design…


ARMA Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant

Description : Design of IFAS treatment system End User: ARMA…

Under construction


Debeg WWTP (capacity of 3.000 m³/day to 4.500 m³/day)

Description: Manufacturing & Supply of mechanical equipment Scope of work:…


El Kom El Ahmar WWTP

Description: Manufacturing & Supply of mechanical equipment Scope of work:…


Second phase of Ain Shams Pumping Station

Description: Manufacturing & Supply of 2 mechanical screens (17m/each) Scope of…